Privacy policy

1. Website Presentation.

Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:

Owner: BUMP SAS with variable capital and a minimum of €10,000, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 882 998 214, with its headquarters located at 17 rue Henry Monnier 75009 PARIS, hereinafter referred to as "BUMP")

The Publication Director is Mr. Laurent Rumayor.

Amazon Web Services, Inc. P.O. Box 81226, Seattle, WA 98108-1226.

2. General terms of use for the website and services offered.

The use of the website implies full acceptance of the general terms of use described below.

The user is hereby informed that these terms of use and legal notices of the website may be modified, supplemented and/or updated at any time, at the discretion of BUMP company, and the user is invited to refer to them regularly to be aware of any changes.

The website is accessible to all users at all times. However, an interruption for technical maintenance may be decided by BUMP company.

3. Description of services provided.

The website aims to describe all the activities of BUMP company and its affiliated companies.

As such, BUMP company strives to provide information on its website that is as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies and/or deficiencies, whether they are its own fault or that of third-party partners.

All information present on the website is provided to the user for informational purposes and is subject to modification, completion and/or update at the discretion of BUMP company.

4. Intellectual Property

BUMP holds the exclusive rights to fix and exploit all attributes of the personality of content creators and/or influencers (hereinafter "The Talent(s)") (including, but not limited to, fixed and animated images, voice, first and last name, nickname, avatar, silhouette, gimmick, elements of their biography and private life, as well as their comments and reactions in the context of preparation and filming) (hereinafter collectively "Personality Attributes") in the context of, among other things, the production and promotion of audiovisual programs as well as its digital promotion and influence activities via, in particular, the official accounts opened by the latter on web social networks.

Moreover, in the event that the Talent exercises their activities in any form whatsoever while not being established in the territory of a Member State of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation or the European Economic Area, BUMP ensures their legal representation in the territory of the European Union.

This arrangement, the mandate, and the agreements concluded between BUMP and its affiliated Talents aim to comply with the provisions of Articles 7 to 9 of Law No. 2023-451 of June 9, 2023.

BUMP also guarantees that it holds the necessary authorizations for the use of elements accessible on the website, including texts, photographs, graphics and/or logos, subject to the guarantees transmitted by third parties who have provided BUMP company with said elements, if applicable.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication and/or adaptation of all or part of the elements of said site, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited, except with prior written authorization from BUMP.

Consequently, any unauthorized use of the website or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

5. Limitations of liability.

BUMP cannot be held responsible for any material damage directly or indirectly related to the use of the website, it being agreed that the user undertakes to access it using recent equipment that does not contain viruses.

6. Management of personal data.

In France, personal data is protected in particular by Law No. 78-87 of January 6, 1978 "Data Protection Act", European Directive 95/46/EC of October 24, 1995 on the protection of personal data as well as Regulation 2016/679/EU of April 27, 2016 on data protection (commonly known as "GDPR").

When using the website, the following may be collected: the URL of the links through which the user accessed said website, the user's Internet service provider and the user's Internet Protocol (IP) address.

The site is not declared to the CNIL because it does not collect any other personal information.

The terms "personal data", "data subject", "processor" and "sensitive data" have the meaning defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: No. 2016-679)

6.1 Personal data collection managers

For Personal Data collected as part of the user's navigation on the website, the controller of Personal Data is: BUMP company, whose contact details appear above.

As the controller of the data it collects, BUMP undertakes to respect the framework of the legal provisions in force. In particular, it is responsible for establishing the purposes of its data processing, providing users, from the collection of their consent, with complete information on the processing of their personal data. Whenever it processes Personal Data, BUMP takes all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and relevance of Personal Data with regard to the purposes for which it processes them.

6.2 Purpose of collected data

BUMP is likely to process all or part of the Personal Data for the purposes of allowing and improving users' navigation on its website (such as users' connection data)

BUMP does not commercialize Personal Data which are only used out of necessity.

6.3 User rights

The user is required to comply with the provisions of the aforementioned law, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, they must refrain, with regard to the personal information to which they may have access, from any collection, any misuse, and in general, any act likely to infringe on the privacy or reputation of individuals.

6.4 Users' right of access, rectification and opposition

In accordance with current European regulations, and in particular the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data as well as the provisions of Law No. 78-17 amended of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, users of the website are informed of their rights of access, limitation, opposition, rectification, portability and deletion concerning their Personal Data, which can be exercised directly with BUMP company on simple written request, signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the user's signature, by simple mail addressed to: BUMP, 17 rue Henry Monnier, 75009 PARIS; or by email sent to the following address: BUMP company will have a period of 1 (one) month from receipt of each request to respond.

BUMP undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of Personal Data and in particular that they are not communicated to unauthorized persons.

The user's Personal Data may be processed by BUMP subsidiaries and/or subcontractors (service providers), and this exclusively for the aforementioned purposes.

Please note that the categories of data processed as part of the implemented processing may vary according to the subsidiaries and/or companies affiliated with BUMP for the purposes of managing the commercial relationship between said companies and their customers and suppliers. If applicable, we invite you to consult the individual policies on each site.

BUMP may modify this policy in particular in the event of legal or jurisprudential changes, following decisions and recommendations of the CNIL or following the addition of a purpose other than that for which the personal data was initially collected.

Any substantial modification of this policy will be brought to your attention by any means, including electronically.

7. Use of cookies.

The user is informed that consulting certain content made available on the website is likely to cause the installation of cookie(s) by the platforms from which said content originates (such as Youtube, Google Maps, etc.). A cookie is a small file, which does not allow the identification of the user, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained aims to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site.

However, the user can configure their computer to refuse the installation of cookies:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer:
  • Google Chrome:
  • Firefox:
  • Opera:
  • Safari:
  • Safari iPhone/iPad:

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

The website as well as these general conditions are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute relating to the use of said website, exclusive jurisdiction will be given to the competent courts of Paris.